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Family Photoshoot - my first since lockdown began!

family photographer. Family portrait. Family photography. Family photoshoot. Family portraits. Cambridge. London. United Kingdom. UK. Photographer
Stefanie and Co

Many people aren't actually aware that I do family photoshoots. It's not something I necessarily market very much.

I am a people photographer.

I'm a lover of people (the decent ones anyway!) and a very sociable person hence I am drawn to portraiture photography of all types.

I can, and do, sit on a bench in a city/town and just people watch. People simply fascinate me.

Lockdown has been tough on so many

Not going to lie, the lockdown has been tough on the photography industry, as it has been for many industries and businesses.

My last face to face photoshoot took place at the beginning of March! Almost 3 months!

Online headshot photography

I started my remote headshot service in an attempt to maintain some sort of cash flow until people felt more reassured about undertaking photoshoots face to face. I've also undertaken some personal brand and portraiture photoshoots remotely, so if you are interested, have a read of that blog and get in touch if I can assist you.

So when Stefanie got in touch to ask if I would do a family photoshoot for her, I was like a child at Christmas time!

Stefanie is a past client who had a headshot photoshoot with me when she was launching her business about a year ago. So I couldn't have been that terrible to work with given she came back to me when she wanted some family portraits.

She stated that she has really got any family pics with her husband and child. Fortunately, Stefanie lives fairly remotely and has several acres of land on her property so there was no issue with social distancing and maintaining a safe distance at all times.

What I enjoy about location photography is that you have to see what's available to you, and how best to use that to make for an interesting backdrop in your image composition.

I spent some 90 minutes with Stefanie and her family. She requested having two different 'sets' of clothing. A more formal set of images, and then some casual ones.

During this time I captured some 180 images which were culled down to a selection of 110 images which were made available to her to make her choices from.

It was so cool to be able to do a face to face (albeit socially distances) photoshoot again and get a bit creative.

Kit used

For this shoot, I used purely natural lighting as we had a glorious Spring day to work with. As always I did have one or two reflectors in the car along with a few speedlights and diffusers if necessary. Due to cloud cover, these weren't required.

Camera used was my trusty Nikon D750 with the Nikon 24mm-120mm lens and generally stuck to around 85mm where space allowed.

Are you looking for a family photographer?

If it's time to update your family portraits, and have a large enough outdoor area in which we can shoot, or can meet me at a local park then get in touch to book a photoshoot.

If you'd like to view some recommendations or reviews, please feel free to check out these channels:

Facebook Google LinkedIn I'm confident you will love your photoshoot and will treasure the images for years to come!

For more information on my family photography and other portraiture photography work, click here.


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